Build a Rain Garden

People Walking across a bridge

Rain Garden Education Initiative

We encourage you to participate in our virtual rain garden program series. This project is made possible by a grant from the OEPA Ohio Environmental Education Fund. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate a practical stormwater quality practice that residents, local government officials, and businesses can duplicate on their property. Learn about the benefits of rain gardens and watch the construction of a rain garden at Morgan Park to capture the stormwater runoff from the roof of the park bathroom. The program was taught by Jennifer White from the Portage Park District and Lynn Vogel from the Portage Soil & Water Conservation District, both of whom have been installing and tending rain gardens for at least 15 years. 

The Morgan Park garden site not only functions as a stormwater quality practice but will also be used for future nature education programming around native plants and pollinators. The ultimate goal of this project is to increase the number of rain gardens installed on private property in the county. Small actions from many people add up to big impacts on our community. 

Class 1 Video - Making a Difference in your Watershed

Learn about watersheds, stormwater, and why rain gardens are valuable to water quality!
Take this short quiz after the video.

Class 2 Video - Planning & Site Considerations

Learn about properly locating your rain garden, determining its size, and conducting a soil percolation test.
Take this short quiz after the video.

Class 3 Video- Installation

Watch the Morgan Park rain garden installation and learn how to install your own rain garden!
Take this short quiz after the video.

Class 4 Video - Plants!

Learn about our favorite tried and true native plants for your rain garden!
Take this short quiz after the video.

Native Plant Nurseries
Native Plant List


Test your knowledge and share your feedback here. Thank you for being a Portage County Rain Gardener!

If you have questions or need more information, please email Holly at