How long does it take for a cause and manner of death to be determined?

A completed death certificate contains both a final cause and manner of death. The time required to complete varies with each case. A completed death certificate can be generated by a funeral director once it is entered into Ohio’s EDRS (electronic death certificate system).  A copy of the death certificate can be obtained once the funeral director files it with the Kent City Health Department. In other cases, when there is insufficient information available to complete the death certificate, a "Pending" death certificate is issued.  This death certificate enables the funeral services and burial or cremation to take place while additional testing and investigation continues.  At the culmination of these tests and investigation, a ruling is made based on all available information.  A supplemental death certificate is then issued with the cause of death and ruling which supersedes the "Pending" death certificate.  If the initial pending death certificate was obtained through a funeral home or cremation service, they should automatically obtain the supplemental death certificate for you as well.